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Enterprise, New Brockton, and Coffee County
Teachers and Students in grades 6-12 or their parents!
Every year, John Wiley Brock Post 6683 offers entry programs for school-age children from 6th to 12th grade to earn scholarships at the Post, District, State, and National levels up to $35,000.
Teachers in Coffee County, Enterprise, or New Brockton Schools are eligible for recognition for their efforts to promote National Pride. The VFW recognizes teachers for the attributes of citizenship, innovation, resourcefulness, and passion. Students, parents, or anyone with the teacher's knowledge may apply. The deadline for submission to is 31 October 2023. The national prize is $3000. For application details, click this link for a Teacher Award application and further information.
Scouting Awards - Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States recognizes individuals who are Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award recipients, Venture Summit Award recipients, or Sea Scout Quartermasters who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the qualities of that rank. Applications must be sent to by March 1, 2023. Click this link for an application and more information.

ROTC Awards Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) prepares our young men and women for military service careers. As these individuals fulfill their obligations to the nation, many will serve in harm’s way and become eligible for VFW membership. VFW ROTC awards give special recognition of outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership ability. These awards are available for both JROTC and ROTC programs. Recipients must be identified by the Senior ROTC Instructor at each school no later than April 15, 2023. For more information about these awards, click this link.
For questions, please email or leave a voicemail at 334-475-2010.